Our Specialty Is TOUGH Situations
We have over 30 years of real-life, hands-on experience and success in addiction recovery counseling, and have used our experience to create award-winning materials. Read some of the positive reviews below that we have received.
Your situation may be unique, but it’s not hopeless. There IS a solution!
Our books and DVDs provide useful information to help restore sanity to your life, saving you and your family time, money, stress and unnecessary heartache.
“Many of you reading this book are facing the battle of your life. Alcohol and drugs consumed my daughter’s life. I can’t put into words-the anguish of attending my daughter’s funeral. I wish I would have had this book long ago. Maybe Mia would still be here. I didn’t know how to help her. Why Don’t They Just Quit? is full of answers I could have used.”
“This is a must read…a book about truth, commitment, consequences, and a belief that things can change. It describes the complexity of drug addiction and the scars it leaves, along with practical solutions that can be implemented today.”
“Your story has encouraged me and helped me to deal with my son’s substance abuse and has given me great peace as a parent. I no longer feel alone with a terrible cloud of guilt; my son’s choices have been his own, and I as a parent have done all I can. I will continue to love him and encourage him and, as far as possible, allow him to make his mistakes knowing that it is okay to do so. Your book exposed my own trigger points and how I can handle them better. I can put away the guilt and the shame, pick up my own pieces and move forward, helping him to do the same. Joe, your personal story has restored my hope, faith and so much more.”
“I recommend this book for anyone that has a family member or a friend with an addiction. It gives you first hand experiences from the author-who has been there. I can’t recommend this book enough. It is one of those books, that when you start reading, you can’t put it down. It helped me to understand what my son must be going through and pretty much what to expect. It is a book about real people.”
“As a counselor and case manager who works with dual-diagnosis (mental illness and addiction) and a former co-dependent to an addict, I’ve had an inside view and read a lot on the subject. Why Don’t They Just Quit is unique in that it offers multiple approaches, uses humor, no B.S. talk and intersperses serious material. Personally, I wish I’d read this book years ago. The section called “It’s a Family Affair” alone is worth its weight in gold and could have saved me years of pain.
The book is super current, touching on the affects of technology in the modern social landscape, and the implications for the addict. He outlines clear, easy to understand ways to communicate without any of the clinical addiction jargon. It’s refreshing and rare.
Anyone with a loved one suffering from addiction (or if you think you might have a problem with addiction yourself) should read this book. Chaplain Joe Herzanek and his wife Judy are on a mission to help others, their story of hope and inspiration is lived through their own journey out of addiction and into long-term recovery.”
“I recently read the book Why Don’t They Just Quit? by Joe Herzanek. My son had recently told us that he had an alcohol and Vicodin addiction. I didn’t know where to turn first. I talked to someone who had the book because of her son and she brought it to me right away. I could not put it down. I read it from front to back in one sitting. It was like all the answers I was asking in my head, were all answered in that book. It was literally a lifesaver for me. I was pretty sure before I read the book that I couldn’t handle what was coming next for my son. But it helped in so many ways. After I read it, I didn’t feel so lost and hopeless. I would recommend it to anyone dealing with this.”
“Reading this book during the time I was married to an addict would have saved me many days of suffering and stress. Anyone close to an addict should read “Why Don’t They Just Quit?”.”
“There is a tug-of-war going on in the recovery community between those with academic letters behind their names and those who have walked through the tunnel of addiction. For example there are those who believe AA is a positive road to walk on, while others scorn AA for any number of reasons. Joe Herzanek writes and talks about addiction with a warmth and depth of understanding that so many others lack. Why Don’t They Just Quit? is superbly written, a straight talking, no frills guide for people to follow. It’s a great resource. Herzanek has walked through the tunnel of addiction and can relate to those who struggle. He understands families and what they go through. The book and DVD make a human connection, beyond the facts of addiction.”
“Addictions are the great puzzle of human behavior. Why do people continue to do something so clearly harmful to them? Joe Herzanek provides a refreshingly personal look into the world of addictive behaviors. This book is a must read not only for families of addicts and alcoholics looking for answers, but for anyone who has been intrigued by irrational compulsions and wondered how recovery takes place. I consider Why Don’t They Just Quit? to be one of the top five recovery books for families and I anticipate it being widely used by treatment programs throughout the country.”
“I purchased this DVD and book and was very excited to find some answers that you don’t get anywhere else. The book gives you an insight from the addict himself to understand the distorted thinking that comes with addiction. It will help you better understand and relate to the addict in your life. I actually bought several books and gave one to a Psychiatrist and he loved it and is recommending it to family of alcoholics as well as addicts. Thank you so much for creating this helpful book and DVD!!!!! We love them!”
“…stayed up late last night reading various parts of it; inspiring! This book is for people like me; someone with chemically addicted people in their life. If you, or someone you know and love, are living in the tornado of addiction, finding it spinning you around with your loved one, then this book can be one of the most clear/helpful guides in understanding how to navigate through the confusion, drama and pain that is associated with addiction in a family. Passionate, humble, full of wisdom…a must read for the addicted and those who care about them.”
“This DVD, along with the book, are about the only tools available to us loved ones on the outside, who want to help a substance abuser begin the spiritual journey to healing, peace, and rest. It is perfect to start one’s own education about this insidious disease, and then to share it with the rest of the family and friends, who may not have the time to read a new book, but will take a few hours to watch a DVD. This is all it will take to open the door.”
“[This book] will be valued by many, many people. A very meaningful gift of God’s grace to families who need sanity in the middle of their runaway insanity.”
“Why Don’t They Just Quit? is an informative book for anyone interested in how the disease of addiction manipulates and destroys individuals and all the people around them. It delivers a clear and real picture of recovery. This book would be a great gift for family, friends and employers as they struggle with their role in the addict’s life.”
“This book is gritty, honest, and full of practical tips, resources, and an Alcohol and Drug Addiction Self Test. I loved the myriad quotes sprinkled throughout from such diverse individuals as Mother Theresa, Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, Abraham Lincoln, and Herzanek’s own family members. In the foreword, Joe’s wife, Judy, the Creative Manager for the Changing Lives Foundation says, “Joe speaks from firsthand experience, having survived shattered relationships, a life-threatening disease, physical and mental withdrawal, police problems, and raising two teenagers.” It is the intimate way in which the author shares himself that lends what could be “just another addiction recovery book” a fresh and hopeful voice. I would recommend this for anyone who has been impacted by the effects of addiction.”
“I recently purchased the DVD and book Why Don’t They Just Quit? by Joe Herzanek. Having a son with a severe alcohol/drug abuse problem, who has been through more than one treatment program, I was desperately looking for answers-not hype or glitter. I found the “roundtable” format of the DVD to be easy to follow. I consider Why Don’t They Just Quit? to be my “Bible” on drug abuse issues affecting the addict and the families (I loaned it to my son’s father and it looks like my Bible-yellow hi-lights, post-it notes, etc.) I refer to it over and over. Mr. Herzanek lays it out in a straightforward way, using his and others’ personal experiences to clarify the how and why of addiction and recovery. This is a must have tool for anyone that is impacted by a loved one’s addiction.”
“Joe’s book provides insights and solutions that are proven to work for recovery-not only for the addict but for the entire family system.”
“This is a thoughtful and caring book written for the everyday person with an addicted loved one. It is very helpful when you are alone and desperately hoping your loved one is safe because he isn’t home and you know he is out using again.”
“I know Joe and he has immense personal credibility to address the confusing and complex issue of addiction. This book is surprisingly clear, crisp and candid. Many in our congregation, community and country need to read what Joe has to say.”
“Just got my books. I’m previewing it and just hit a, “Thank you, Lord!” moment on page 105 about raising the bottom. I have wondered about that idea for some time now, but couldn’t seem to find professionals nor support groups who I felt were smart enough to answer my questions. I could continue, but to keep it short: Bless you all for putting out these resources!”
“Joe’s book Why Don’t They Just Quit? Is a very good read. Joe has effectively drawn together much of the wisdom from AA and Al-Anon’s 70-plus years of experience, the hands-on lessons from professional counseling and the more recent medical advances in the treatment of addictions. His counsel and advice, while based on complicated problems with no easy answers is very practical and down to earth. As an addictions counselor with over 35 years experience, I am particularty impressed that Joe avoided the common temptations of giving pat answers or proposing solutions that are over the heads of most people and require professional interventions. Joe clearly has a good grasp of the disease of chemical addiction and has presented a very objective overview of the best treatments and interventions for the disease.”
“I have read quite a bit of books and literature on Alcoholism and I can tell you this is my favorite one. It was hard to put down. Mr. Herzanek speaks from experience and he truly cares about trying to help others with addictions. My husband is an alcoholic and this book has shown me that it is okay not to give up on him, and that there is hope. It also tells of ways you can show “tough love” and “raise their bottom” when needed. I now have my prayers answered. Reading this book gave me the courage to try some things that are very difficult for me to do. This book was a real eye opener for me. Again, I would recommend Why Don’t They Just Quit? to anyone dealing with addictions.”
“The book is proving to be of great solace. I read all of my Al-Anon books, and attend meetings, and I have a wonderful church family, but this book presents some new thoughts to me. Your book is wonderful! It is as if you have been here in my home, observing.”
“Thank you, thank you…I have been struggling for many years to encourage my husband to stop enabling our youngest son (27) who has been using since he was 13. Last weekend he ended up in jail again (thank God) and I took the firmest stand ever for me and finally convinced my husband to leave him there!! Man, it was hard, but the neat thing is that while Googling for info about “enabling” he came across this book, and we ordered it. And he finally got “it” that we should not bail our son out after reading through several sections on enabling!! So, we shall see. I just wanted to tell you thank you for your wonderful work…I love the newsletters & articles…I feel so empowered, and not hopeless as before!! God bless from Loveland.”
“…combines a lifetime of personal and professional experience dealing with this issue in a practical and highly personal overview. The book is excellent. I wish I had read it a year ago.”
“Joe writes with authority and clarity…Its straightforwardness and intimacy as well as its lack of pretense give it a veracity that is genuine. It is an excellent read recommended for family and friends as well as the recovering person.”
*Some client names changed per request.